March’s segment leads riders Eastbound, up Northington Road from Itchen Abbas, for nearly one and a half miles of undulating terrain.
At just around 1.4 miles in length, the average gradient is only 2%, with a couple of downhill or flatter sections hiding the steepness of some ramps along the course of segment.

The segment begins approximately 10-yards beyond the sharp right hand turn from the initial approach to the Eastbound section of Northington Road, that originates after you have ridden North out of Itchen Abbas, under the old railway viaduct.

The first part of the segment is formed of a short, punchy climb, passing a set of farm buildings on your right as you crest the hill. The descent is equally short, but potentially fast, as the road curves left past some cottages, curving further left and flattening off as you approach a copse of trees to your left.
This section is actually a false flat, as there is a slight but noticeable gradient. It continues on for some time, passing a number of houses on your left, before gently curving to your right and opening out with fields to either side.

From here, you can see the road rise in front of you, as the segment ends with another testing climb.
The finish line is a few sensible yards ahead of a blind left-hand curve in the road. To the right of the finish line is a small layby with a gate that riders often stop at to admire the view.

As usual, please remember to obey the rules of the road and remain vigilant for walkers and other hazards when attempting to set a time on this segment.
Please also take specific care on this segment, to look out for farm vehicles, or any cars or walkers who may emerge unexpectedly from partially concealed driveways and side roads.
Also, please consider the safe and prudent use of front and rear lights where sensibly appropriate. The link to the segment is here: